Volunteers From Singapore American School and Room To Read in Little Bodhi

Little Bodhi Student Care has been receiving volunteers from Singapore American School through the linkup from Mrs Kristen Sansom from Room To Read. Room To Read is a non-profit charitable organisation dedicated to promoting and enabling education through programs focused on literacy and gender equality in education. Click here to learn more.

These volunteers brought with them fun and interesting ways to engage the students in learning English. For the lower primary, the volunteers brought with them books that are geared towards the P1-P2 students. As the students read, when they came across any words they do not understand, the students would write down the unknown words on a note card. Later, they can look up the meaning from dictionaries. The students get to keep the cards to practice their vocabulary.


For the older students, in one of the sessions they did some puzzles and wordgames to introduce them to the concept of being a spy or detective. Thereafter an activity was developed around the book series of Sherlock Sam, the great boy detective of Singapore. At the end of the activities, there was also a surprise for the students as they were each given a book with their names printed on the book.


In the coming year, we will be working closely with Mrs Kristen to bring more activities to engage the students and spur their interest to read more books.


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