Visit To Yan Shan Lodge, 9th May – 14 May 2014

As part of the staff welfare of Little Bodhi Student Care Centre, a visit to the Yan Shan Lodge (中国福建省福州市燕山书院) was conducted on 9th – 14th May, together with members from the committee and alumni. Throughout the 5 days stay in China, the team learnt about

1. Basic Buddhist Conduct and Manners
2. Meditation
3. Tea ceremony,
4. Knowledge on Sandal Wood.
5. Self Control and Mindfulness

Tour to various tourist sites like the XUE FENG Mountain (雪峰山), Yong Quan Temple (涌泉寺) were conducted. The team was amazed at the ancient relics that they saw like the Qing Dynasty Qian Long Emperor Buddhist Scriptures.

While the trip was short, the team has benefited much under the tutorage of many prominent monks and nun from various parts of the Fuzhou Province.



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