Parental Talk

Dear parents, have you ever expect much from your children, but often feel disappointed when the children did not score well in exams or did not achieve what you expected even though efforts have been put in for guiding the children? How to create a healthy family environment in order to ensure your children grow up healthily and happily? Please come and join our parental talk by Dr.Ang on 31 August 2013 (Sat) at 10am in Little Bodhi Student Care Centre (LBSCC) on the topic of Improving Parent-Child Relationship. Hope to see you soon!

Date: 31 August 2013 (Sat)
Venue: LBSCC (Near Marsiling MRT)
Time: 10am-12.15pm (Registration at 10am.)
The talk will be conducted in English.

Dr Ang Beng Choo, PhD in Applied Linguistics from NUS, Former Deputy Director of Curriculum Planning and Development Division, Ministry of Education (MOE), has over 30 years of experience in the education, having been a school teacher, a school inspector, a curriculum and textbook developer, a teachers’ trainer, a university lecturer and an administrator.

Dr.Ang was awarded the Public Administration, and also the Long Service awards by the Singapore government in 1980 and 1997 respectively, and International Outstanding Buddhist Woman Award in Education and Culture in 1998.

Dr Ang is actively involved with education and social work. She is an adviser/management board member of many organisations. She is frequently invited by local and overseas organisations to give talks/lectures on personal development, human relationship, family life, children education and teaching methodology.

10am: Registration
10.15-11.20am: Parental talk by Dr. Ang
11.20-11.30am: Question and Answer (Q&A)
11.30-12.15pm: Refreshment

To register for the talk, please email to by indicating your name, your phone number and number of attendee(s) by 21st of August. Thank you and hope to see you soon!


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