The benefits of physical activity to a child are aplenty, thus at Little Bodhi, the teachers encourage the students to engage in physical activities.
During the March School Holidays, we had our dose of daily outdoor activities. While the act of doing physical exercises like running round the field, doing planks, jumping jacks may seem like a dreadful chore to some children, the actual act of exercising can be a cathartic experience once the child gets into the flow of exercising. To encourage a love for doing physical exercise, the teachers conducted a mini-Sports Day for us. There were different events which test our stamina, flexibility and motor skills among others. As we were divided into 4 teams during the Sports Meet, we hone important communication skills as we learn how to read each other’s non-verbal cues, practise teamwork and adopt leadership roles while at play.
Studies have also shown that physical activity helps with stress and anxiety relief. As we engaged ourselves in the different physical activities and in the healthy competition during our mini-Sports Day, feel-good hormones were released, promoting better moods in us. Nothing beats the sight of their students being happy, and the teachers were glad that we told them that the event was a resounding success… Hip, Hip, Hooray! Hip, Hip, Hooray! Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Little Bodhi Mini-Sports Day 2023
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