Holidays Activities

The Joy of Making Ice-cream
By Er Luo Yee Loey (Yu Louyi) (P5)

It was a sultry, blazing morning. Sweat was trickling down your forehead. Then, you heard the ringing of a bell. The bell was from an ice-cream truck. Yahoo! As fast as lightning, you ran to the ice-cream tuck. There were many flavours like vanilla, strawberry, mint chocolate chip and mongo. You took a long time to decide the flavours of your ice-cream. In the end, you chose three scoops of different flavours of ice-cream : chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. After paying, you ate your ice-cream as if you have never eaten ice-cream for a long time. Then a thought struck your mind. What would it be like if we make our own ice-cream?
That wouldn’t go well if we don’t put in the effort to make the ice-cream. But it will turn out easy if we follow the following recipe correctly.

By Ng Hui En (P6)

Hello! My Name is Hui En. This year, I am in P6. I’m so nervous about my PSLE! But anyway, let’s get into the topic. Today, I am going to be tell you about a way to recycle paper. So, as you know, it’s the June holidays but unfortunately, my parents have to work. Thus, I have been going to Little Bodhi Student Care Centre for the past few weeks. There have been some activities planned out for us by the teachers. They were really fun! One of the activities is about recycling paper. This activity is in conjunction with the World Environment Day that falls on 5 June.

We were told to bring a plastic container (of any size), a rag and an unwanted magazine or papers to the centre. Then the teachers gave us the instructions.
First, we filled the container up with water, but to only fill half of it up. Second, the teachers filled boiling water into our container. (Make sure to let an adult do this step!)
Then, we took our magazine, and tore out the pages into smaller pieces. Next, came the interesting part! Using our hands, we pushed the small pieces of torn paper to the bottom of the container. After awhile, we could see the colours fading away from the unwanted paper.

After about 20 to 30 minutes of doing this, we started to do the next step, which is to take the cover of our containers. Using our hands, we scooped one handful of these small pieces of paper. We squished the small pieces of paper so that there would not be water on it. Then we put it on the cover of our container and patted it tightly close together. We repeated this step until our cover was fully covered.
As we did this, we had to use a rag on the cover, and start to roll the cover with a rolling pin (or you can simply use your water bottle). If the paper was too thick, then we had to keep on rolling the cover so it would be thinner. If our cover was very wet, it would take a longer time for the papers to dry. If it was not dry, then we did not need to wait long before our home-made paper was ready. I realised that to do this, we needed some patience.
I hope you enjoy my writeup on “Recycling Paper”. Thank you.

By Er Luo Yee Loey (Yu Louyi) (P5)

Imagine you’ve just drunk a can of soda. Refreshing, wasn’t it? You couldn’t find the trash bin nearby, so when no one was looking… PLONK! You tossed the empty can on the ground, thanking why you should care. Actually, there is a thing that cares about that. It’s not a person. It is the planet that we are living in right now. It’s Eart. Why Earth? Earth is not even a living thing you may think. Earth may not be a living thing but it has living things living on it. If we continue to destroy the environments on Earth, it will also devastate us people, animals and plants.
You hear about pollution all the time. It could be the smog in your city or the trash covering your beach.
When it comes to pollution, there isn’t just one cause. There are a lot of them. However, before we can break down what causes pollution and the types of pollution, it’s important to look at what pollution is. In simple terms, pollution is the introduction of harmful chemicals into some areas of the environment. This could be the toxic gases released from the burning of fossil fuels, or it could the ash created by a natural volcanic eruption. As you can see, pollution can be due to natural causes or be caused by humans.

In some cities, the air is dangerous to breathe. Why? Well, air pollution of course! Air pollution is when noxious gases and chemicals get suspended in the air. Think about the smog covering some areas of California and New York. Dirt, grime, exhaust fumes, and other aerosols go into the air. These pollutants can go up in the atmosphere and pollute our clouds, creating acid rain, or they can just hang out like smog does and make it harder for people to breathe.

Humans need water to survive. That is a fact. However, trash and chemicals can get thrown into the oceans and lakes. This is called water pollution. Not only can they affect fish and other marine life, when pollutants get into the water, they can also have a devastating effect on the water cycle. Natural causes of water pollution include algae blooms. However, humans also cause water pollution through trash and waste water from factories.

Land pollution is another one of the big three pollution types affecting the human population. Land pollution happens when the soil get contaminated by fertilisers or chemicals being dumped. The pollution in the land can seep into the groundwater or run into lakes and streams creating a vicious pollution cycle.

Have you ever needed to wear earphones to cancel out noises when you’re studying? If so, you were experiencing noise pollution. Noise pollution is caused by loud noises that can hurt human ears. Noise pollution is dangerous because it may cause hearing loss.

We should be responsible for the actions we do because we are the ones living on Earth.


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